Discipleship Training School

The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is foundational, and without a doubt, YWAM's most popular course. Since it's conception in 1963, literally hundreds of thousands of lives have been challenged, provoked, impacted and changed forever throughout the course of a DTS. It is a 6 months training program which consists of 3 months lecture phase & 3 months outreach.

The goal is to form Christian character while establishing Biblical relationships between the student and God, and between the student and his/her family and friends. The emphasis is on developing a daily walk with God rather than to accumulate information.

International DTS

How to Apply

If you have any interest of applying to the upcoming international DTS, please download and fill up the attached forms below.

Send the filled forms to the following address:


P.O. Box 235 

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

5300 Philippines

Or you can scan the filled forms and send via email:

Email Address: ywamppc@mozcom.com

Once the forms are received by the staff, it will be processed and confirmation of acceptance will be sent out.

DTS Application form.doc
Microsoft Word Document 848.0 KB

TDTS (Tagalog DTS)

Is an ongoing DTS training held in YWAM Center in Rizal South of Palawan. The school is mostly being taught in Tagalog, the Philippine's National language. The school's main focus is to cater local people both tribal and low lander.

The school's teachers/speakers are coming from different bases in YWAM both local and international as well as church leaders from Palawan. 

Topics are mainly focused on three categories : UPWARD (GOD), INWARD (SELF) & OUTWARD (OTHERS or Mission).

The upcoming TDTS will start May 10, 2015 and will end on October 10, 2015. 

Tuition Fee:

Lecture Phase (3 mos) - PHP7,000

Outreach (within Philippines)- PHP 10,000-15,000

How to Apply

If you have any interest of applying to the upcoming TDTS, please download and fill up the attached forms below.

Send the filled forms to the following address:


P.O. Box 235 

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

5300 Philippines

 Or you can scan the filled forms and send via email:

 Email Address: ywamppc@mozcom.com

 Once the forms are received by the staff, it will be processed and confirmation of acceptance will be sent out.

TDTS Application form.docx
Microsoft Word Document 514.6 KB